Human Factors Engineering

Human factors engineering has been the foundation of System Technology’s work since its inception.

This research started off with pilot-vehicle analysis, simulation and flight test experiments.  Research expanded to driver/vehicle studies in the 1960’s and 70’s, and this work continues today with analysis, simulation and flight test consulting services and research.  Past assignments have involved investigations of human operator behavior (pilots, drivers, astronauts, mariners) and human/machine interaction and performance.

Our expertise encompasses human/machine interface, human operator psychomotor functions, cognitive and biodynamic behavior, including both objective and subjective assessments.  Systems Technology has also studied the human operator under various impairments, including alcohol, drugs and fatigue.  Tools have been developed and used for this work including simulation, vehicle instrumentation, computer models, and a range of assessment paradigms and analysis algorithms (describing functions, wavelets, multivariate statistical procedures, etc.).

Human Factors Engineering Capabilities:

Systems Technology’s engineering services, consulting and research in Human Factors Engineering focus on the following:

Human Factors

  • Critical Tracking Task
  • Novice Driver Training
  • Statistical Analysis Procedures

Human-Machine Interface

  • Pilot-vehicle systems
  • Simulator Fidelity

Human Operator Models

Using our STISIM Drive driver-in-the-loop simulator, recent studies have been undertaken to investigate driver distraction and as shown below cognitive workload.
